Tuesday 19 January 2010

29 weeks and counting down...

I'm into my 3rd trimester now! This is the final leg and all I need to do now is rest more, drink more milk, rest, drink milk and crochet.

Motherly instinct perhaps? I'm no experienced knitter or crochet-er but I've already crocheted a lovely pink blankie for the pram. I have since started crocheting a pink and white blankie for the cot-bed.

We still have lots to buy from the shopping list! Things like baby bouncer, gym mat, breast pump, feeding pillow, diapers, maternity diapers, breast pads and etc....

We've got all the bed stuff ready. I love the musical mobile we got. It plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars while 4 fat cute birdies spin round and round.

We've already decided on Beh Beh's name many months ago. She's going to be called Amelia Serendipity Isobel Atkins. We call her Millie.

She kicks alot and is quite active at night. I love seeing my belly move up and down while she positions herself for her karate kicks.

Myles talks to her by talking right at my belly. She sometimes responds by kicking Myles in the face but sometimes I think she's playing hide and seek and keeping really quiet.

I am enjoying pregnancy overall...except for the heart-burns. Yuckee!

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Hello Miss Beh Beh...

Went for the Normality Scan today. It's only 17 weeks (17+4), so not all normalities can be seen at this stage.

But so far so good. Thankfully.

Beh Beh was moving around alot and waving too! At one point, her hand was by her face, very girly pose indeed. Beh Beh's legs were crossed but the patient Sonograher is confident that Beh Beh is a girl.

Triple Test results arrived in a letter yesterday. All's well too! It's a relief indeed.

Now I have my Hypothyroid to control. The Obstetrician says the low levels of Thyroid I have are not extremely low and assures me that everything will be ok.

It's off to Singapore in a few days! Woo hooo!

Monday 2 November 2009

A date with the monitor tomorrow!

It's 17 weeks. I'm kind of anxious for tomorrow's ultrasound scan.
It's an anamoly scan where they check if Beh Beh is growing alright.

We will also find out the sex of Beh Beh :) Hopefully he/she doesn't have it's legs crossed. hehe..
By knowing the sex, it will be such a "relief", confirming the things we buy would be in pink or blue colours!

My gut feeling is saying...that Beh Beh's a boy.

We fly in 5 days time, travelling 12 hours on the plane, plus 4-6 hours before that getting sorted (getting to Myle's dads' and getting to the airport).

I hope I get great positive news before we fly!

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Itchy itchy itchy and more!

The title says it all.

Having suffered Eczema my whole life, pregnancy has aggrevated it somewhat more! Especially in the....umm...nipple region! How sickening!

I can't use Eumovate as it's not suitable to use during pregnancy. I am now relying on E45....which, to be honest, it doesn't do much! It doesn't get rid of the problem! So I sleep with a tube of E45 by my bedside incase twin peaks start festering in the middle of the night! Eeeww...

Size-wise, I no longer fit into my old jeans. I've gone from a pre-preg UK Size 12 to a Maternity UK Size 14! I am pretty sure the numbers will go up further!

It's true that during pregnancy, you get alot of really strange dreams. I have had odd dreams almost every night but I cannot remember what they were!

It's really uncomfortable sitting at one position for too long, especially sitting on the dining chair! What I need is a reclining rocking chair! hehe...

I am slowly able to swallow peas and celery once again. I was put off by greens in the 1st trimester!

My latest crazy crave - Nutella! Good ol' Nutella!

Monday 26 October 2009

I hear you!

Well...by today it should be " I HEARD you".

Went for our 2nd appointment with the midwife on Friday and she used the Doppler on me belly! That's when I heard your heartbeat :)

We're 16 weeks now. The books and websites say you should start moving around more now and I should feel you a few weeks from now. hhmmm...I wonder how that will feel like. I've read it feels like a "fluttering" sensation. But when I'm full of gas on my really bad farty days, I always feel "flutters" in me tummy. HAHA...

We'll just have to wait and see! Oh yeah, we're going on the the airplane in 2 weeks time! That should be your 1st official flight shouldn't it? hehe..

We'll see you again next week at the Scan little one! I can't wait to be told if you're a boy or a girl!

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Fathers-to-be have it easy..

Are women actually meant to be the stronger of the 2 genders?
Or are women meant to suffer more than men?

Fathers-to-be tend to be more excited than the expectant mum, don't you agree?

And we, with our growing bellies, have to sit through countless routine check-ups and as of today, I have already lost count on how many blood tests I have done.

We, the womb carriers, are the ones that have to nourish and flourish our little Beh Behs inside us. Any twinge or strange pains, we start to panic.

Fathers-to-be have it good. (pppssstt....come to think of it, even fertility tests, men have it good while women get pricked and probed!)

I believe the level of worry and concern is much higher for the women than man.

So, for 9 months, on a lighter note, I think all fathers-to-be should do everything else, things us women did before we got pregnant - like cleaning the house, cooking, cleaning the bathroom, doing the laundry and ironing...

Saturday 10 October 2009

I can't wait to see you on the screen again...

Hello little Beh Beh

Are you there? I hope you're comfortable in there and growing well. I can't feel you. I can't feel anything. Just...abit uncomfortable when I lay on my side for too long. I can't really stretch too....because I can feel the "pull" from my lower belly.

It's still surreal that you're inside me. I need to see you again on the monitors! Another 3 weeks to go! I hope lady midwife uses the doppler when I visit her. I will then be able to hear you in 2 weeks time! Can you give us a shout out when she places the doppler on my belly?

We're (with big Beh Beh) going shopping later, a day out for us. Maybe I will be able to find something GOOD to eat for you and me!

I'll see you soon!